When we nourish all the connections, something beautiful happens. 

A central component of the Bend Beauty brand is the concept of beauty from within. We are bending and shifting the ways in which we traditionally think about beauty and also how we embody it. Beauty and skincare regimens have historically been solely focused on what goes on the outside. We often treat the skin with topical products and treatments without giving much thought or attention to what’s going on inside our bodies. Beauty supplements take a different approach; focusing on the internal connections to affect what we see on the surface.

What are beauty supplements anyway?

Beauty supplements (oils, capsules, powders, etc.) are taken orally with the purpose of impacting the overall health of the skin. Sometimes referred to as nutraceuticals, these products are absorbed by the blood stream and carried by the blood vessels to the deepest layer of the skin: the dermis. This is what we often refer to as your “true skin”. What we see on the surface (the epidermis), is the thin outer layer of the skin that acts as a barrier and protection of what is below. This layer of the skin is constantly sloughing/exfoliating and turning over to reveal the skin beneath, therefore, it is essential that the new skin cells are healthy and nourished. 

Beauty supplements for your skin and whole-body wellness

Taking beauty supplements not only allows your skin to appear radiant and glowing, but it may also have additional benefits for overall health and wellness. In comparison to topical products, ingestible products are delivered systematically throughout the body. Systematic delivery allows products to enter into the body and become incorporated into the forming structure, ensuring the whole body and skin organ (head-to-toe) is receiving the benefits of the ingredients. For example, EPA & DHA (the components of omega-3 found in Renew + Protect) have shown to be beneficial for reducing inflammatory responses throughout all areas of the body, not just the skin. In fact, benefits of omega-3 oils have been widely documented as an important supplement for a variety of health concerns and conditions

When designing an optimal skincare routine it is important to consider that what happens on the inside is just as important as what we see on the outside. We believe that treating the skin internally allows your true beauty to shine through, giving you the confidence that you are putting your best face forward. Click here to incorporate beauty supplements into your daily routine.