Beautiful Life Blog

Four Reasons to take Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Skin Health

We're diving into omega 3 fatty acids, like those found in Renew + Protect, and why they're a crucial part of a top-notch skincare routine.

Carbon Neutral Marine Collagen is Better than Bovine Collagen (In Our Opinion!)

Celebrating Earth Day 2022

What Does it Mean to be B Corp Certified?

Celebrating our Recent Work with Upswing Solutions

In honour of Earth Day 2021, learn more about our recent work with Upswing.

An Earth Day Message from our Founder & CEO, Marc St-Onge

Check out this video message in honour of Earth Day from our CEO + Founder, Marc St-Onge.

Our Earth Month 2019 Campaign

Learn more about our Earth Month 2019 campaign, and how you can participate.

Fish Collagen: The Answer to Smoother Skin

Learn more about fish (marine) collagen and how it benefits skin health and longevity.

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