- Let’s adopt an Earth Day Mindset Every Day
- Bend Beauty is B Corp Certified, we are members of 1% for the Planet, with our head office powered by 100% renewable energy
- Our Marine Collagen + Co-Factors products are proudly carbon neutral
- Marine collagen is more environmentally friendly than bovine
While Earth Day is an important occasion to recognize, at Bend Beauty we try to adopt an Earth Day mindset every day of the year.
The efforts we’ve made to build a sustainable beauty and wellness brand are about the actions we take daily to ensure we’re keeping the planet in business.
Some of these efforts include:
- B Corp Certification
- Our membership with 1% for the Planet
- Head office is 100% powered by green energy from solar, wind, and low-impact hydro
- We completed a screening Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of our Marine Collagen + Co-Factor Unflavoured Powder This provided us with a reliable, science-based estimate of that product’s carbon footprint. We used the data gathered from the LCA to estimate the carbon footprint of all our products and purchased offsets from Carbon Fund to compensate for that.
In considering the actions you take daily; we encourage you to also adopt an Earth Day mindset every day of the year. Part of this is evaluating the brands/products you’re supporting and ensuring that they value sustainability.
Back to the topic of collagen. Collagen continues to be one of the most popular beauty supplements on the market. Supplements are now available everywhere from grocery stores, pharmacies, and major retailers like Costo. It’s important to note that collagen can be sourced from pigs, cows, and fish – and many brands you’ll find contain bovine collagen, which comes from cows.
We’re here to tell you it’s our opinion that marine collagen is the better choice from an environmental perspective. When we talk about having an Earth Day mindset every day, choosing a collagen supplement that’s marine-based instead of bovine is the right move. Bonus points if you choose our brand because it’s also carbon neutral ?
Although cowhides are abundant byproducts and cheap to produce, their source negatively affects climate change. Livestock production accounts for 14.5 percent of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions with beef and bovine milk production contributing 41 and 19 percent of those emissions, respectively (1); that includes grass-fed as well as grain-fed animals.
In addition, a recent investigation completed by The Guardian, Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Center for Climate Crime Analysis (CCCA), ITV and O Joio e O Trigo in Brazil “has found cattle raised on farms causing deforestation were processed at abattoirs serving international collagen supply chains.” Some of this collagen can be traced to popular brands on the market that sell bovine collagen (2).
Roughly 11.7 million tons of unused fish parts are discarded annually during processing, so using them to make hydrolyzed collagen is environmentally friendly (3). Our hydrolyzed marine collagen is a great example of this. It is derived from the skin of wild-caught fish (cod, haddock, and pollock), which is a by-product of the food industry.
In summary – we love celebrating Earth Day, but keeping the planet in business involves so much more than just a day. It requires a daily mindset that values purchasing and supporting sustainable products and brands. One choice you can make is to get your daily dose of collagen from our Marine Collagen + Co-Factors powders. Marine-sourced, carbon-neutral, and effective – delivering self-love in each dose.
Shop Marine Collagen + Co-Factors.
1. Tackling climate change through livestock. Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States. Accessed online on April 14, 2023 at https://www.fao.org/3/i3437e/i3437e.pdf
2. Global craze for collagen linked to Brazilian deforestation. Accessed online on April 14, 2023 at https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/mar/06/collagen-linked-brazilian-deforestation
3. 1. Byproduct. IFFO. The Marine Ingredients Organization. Accessed online on April 14, 2023 at https://www.iffo.com/product#:~:text=IFFO%20has%20calculated%20that%20currently,easier%20and%20quicker%20for%20consumers.